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Annual Parish Meeting 2025

Information Technology and Communications Ministry

Annual Parish Meeting, with the Election of Synod Representatives and Councillors

Members of Christ Church Parish Church are invited to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, February 23, 2025, after the 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist.

Business at the Annual Meeting will include the election of our Synod Representatives and Councillors to serve on the PCC.  The official notice with the agenda has been posted on the church's west door. 


Nominations for Synod Representatives and Church Councillors shall be in writing, signed by the Proposer, and handed to the church office no later than Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Nomination forms are available from the ushers' table or church office.


A person eligible for election as a Synod Representative and/or Church Councillor shall be a Communicant Member in good standing who is not less than eighteen years of age, subscribes to the funds of the Church and habitually attends public worship at Christ Church Parish Church.


The Constitution, Canons & Regulations can be downloaded below:

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