And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having
enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are frequently asked questions (and answers) about pledges and covenants. Click on either "PLEDGES" or "COVENANTS" below to display the relevant FAQs (the selected FAQ title will show as red).
What is a pledge and why do we pledge?
A pledge is a promise to do something. In this case it is a personal commitment to support the ministry and mission of Christ Church Parish Church, through systematic financial giving. A pledge becomes a spiritual discipline for you to continue growing in faithful giving throughout the year as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Making a pledge by November or December of each year also helps our Finance Committee to know what funds to expect in a new year and helps us plan and organise our work more effectively.
How do I decide how much to pledge?
Every offering matters at Christ Church Parish Church, regardless of the amount. You should PRAY and make a heartfelt commitment to give as you are able. At Christ Church we encourage cheerful proportionate giving. In short, giving to Christ’s work a portion or percentage of all God has given to us. A guide has been provided in a table in the Proportionate Giving Booklet on page 8 to help you determine the amount. Find the dollar amount in the table closest to your income, go across the line to the percentage (%) you wish to give to find the dollar amount.
What if I can’t find my income in the table, or I want to select a different percentage to what is on the table?
The table is only a guide. There is a simple formula that you can use. Round your monthly income to the nearest $1,000 and multiply it by the % you want to give.
Should I pledge the percentage of my Gross or Net income?
The Bible doesn't provide a definitive answer to this question – it is a matter of the heart. It's about our relationship with God and willingness to return to Him in gratitude for all that He has given to us. You may pledge based on your gross or net income. The important thing is that you are giving cheerfully and generously from a grateful heart.
How can I pledge?
We ask you to tell us about your pledge by completing a Pledge Form. Submit your pledge by placing your completed form in the white offering box in the Church or Office. Alternatively, you may complete the form online (see button below, at the end of this FAQ page).
What happens after I fill out the pledge form?
Remember to fulfill your pledge, by contributing weekly, monthly, or quarterly, through your monthly envelopes, by online transfer, or by putting your contribution in a clearly marked envelope with your name and the word “Pledge” so that we can properly allocate your gift. Visit our "Ways to Give" webpage for information on our online money transfer facilities.
What happens if my financial circumstances change during the year, and I cannot fulfill my pledge?
Your pledge is an annual commitment to support Christ Church Parish Church. While the act of systematic giving develops our faith in God as our provider in all circumstances, it is always possible to adjust your pledge if your circumstance change.
Click the below button to complete a Pledge Form. The form also includes a section on Covenant Agreements, which is optional, but persons specifically intending to enter into a Covenent Agreement with the Church must complete all sections.